Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on Lost

Lost In 1817, Mary Shelley set out to compose a phantom story that would â€Å"curdle the blood, and revive the beatings of the heart.† With this objective at the top of the priority list she started her journey. The completed item Frankenstein was one that terrified Shelley herself. With some influence from her better half the story that started as â€Å"but a couple pages† developed into an epic artful culmination. The tale talks about subjects that have kept on considering readers’ minds even today. The ethics and morals identifying with the novel are all inclusive and keep on causing discussion. The inquiry concerning whether the wretch’s conduct is legitimized is one such good difficulty that frequents the perusers of this gothic story. Victor Frankenstein, a searcher of differentiation, is equivalent with his abuse of science that makes an animal for which he gives no course. It is very nearly a useful example of the inescapable calamities that anticipate when humanity endeavors to play God, similarly as Victor attempted to do. By disregarding the characteristic procedure ! of creation around him and not assuming liability for his activities, Victor in a roundabout way causes the passings of everybody he held dear to him. Rather than supporting the animal he offered life to, he deserts it leaving the animal to confront an unaccepting world all alone. â€Å"All men loathe the pathetic; how, at that point, must I be despised whom am hopeless past all living things.† (125) The aftereffect of Frankenstein’s surrender is the creature’s retribution against him. He kills William (Victor’s blameless sibling), outlines Justine causing her execution, and murders Cleval. Mary Shelley permits all characters to communicate their side of the story, in this way viably compelling the peruser to take a position, and side with either Victor or the fraud. Given cultural measures and desires, the wretch’s conduct would unquestionably be viewed as reprehensible; be that as it may, given the conditions it can plainly be legitimized. The monster’s conduct can be justifi... Free Essays on Lost Free Essays on Lost Lost In 1817, Mary Shelley set out to compose an apparition story that would â€Å"curdle the blood, and stimulate the beatings of the heart.† With this objective at the top of the priority list she started her journey. The completed item Frankenstein was one that startled Shelley herself. With some influence from her better half the story that started as â€Å"but a couple pages† developed into an epic perfect work of art. The tale talks about topics that have kept on considering readers’ minds even today. The ethics and morals identifying with the novel are all inclusive and keep on causing debate. The inquiry with respect to whether the wretch’s conduct is legitimized is one such good quandary that frequents the perusers of this gothic story. Victor Frankenstein, a searcher of qualification, is interchangeable with his abuse of science that makes an animal for which he gives no bearing. It is very nearly a wake up call of the unavoidable calamities that anti cipate when humanity endeavors to play God, similarly as Victor attempted to do. By disregarding the normal procedure ! of creation around him and not assuming liability for his activities, Victor in a roundabout way causes the passings of everybody he held dear to him. Rather than supporting the animal he offered life to, he forsakes it leaving the animal to confront an unaccepting world all alone. â€Å"All men loathe the pitiable; how, at that point, must I be despised whom am hopeless past all living things.† (125) The aftereffect of Frankenstein’s deserting is the creature’s vengeance against him. He kills William (Victor’s guiltless sibling), outlines Justine causing her execution, and murders Cleval. Mary Shelley permits all characters to communicate their side of the story, therefore viably driving the peruser to take a position, and side with either Victor or the scalawag. Given cultural norms and desires, the wretch’s conduct would unquestionably be viewed as indefensible; be that as it may, given the conditions it can obviously be advocated. The monster’s conduct can be justifi...

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Friday Fund Days Drop Some Dollars Help Some Classrooms

Friday Fund Days Drop Some Dollars Help Some Classrooms With the world being a difficult place for those of any marginalized background, one of the things those of us who are looking to do something can do is donate to those in need. Thousands of teachers each year ask for a little help with seeking supplies for their classrooms via Donors Choose; organizations that do work with at-risk communities like prison populations seek spare change to advocate for and bring literacy to those groups, and nonprofits that provide necessary resources to empower women and people of color are always hoping for a few bucks to make their vital work possible. Enter: Friday Fund Days. Book Riot readers have helped fund hundreds of classrooms over the last few years, and we’ll help bring funds to hundreds more. Each Friday, we’ll highlight two classrooms or other literacy-focused, important projects in hopes you’ll help them reach their goals to bring literature, advocacy, and education to others. Even if you can’t spare money, any social sharing you can offer to the projects each week absolutely helps: you never know who’ll find it and have the means by which to make the project’s fundraising goals reached. More, you’ll bring awareness to the unmet needs in communities around the world, as well as right in your own back yard. When all else feels hard or hopeless, remember that you can and do make a difference. This Weeks Projects Ready to Read! Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ($310) Help me give my students materials to help them as they learn to read and annotate text. My Students My students come from the most trauma exposed neighborhoods in our city. They live through nightly chaos, and yet still arrive to school daily, and with a smile on their face. They inspire me, and I want to give them the world. I cant do exactly that, but I can give them a classroom filled with everything they need to succeed. They have made a commitment and have taken on the challenge to be the change. They want college, they want to learn, they want moreâ€"and are starting to gain the confidence that they are capable to do it all. My Project Each marking period my students diligently work on tackling tough text. They have made wonderful gains. One area that we struggle with is being able to dive into a text a 2nd and 3rd time and really see the growth in our understanding. Its hard to switch between pencil and pen, when you only have pencil; or underline on day 1 and highlight one day 2, but youre without a highlighter. My students strive for excellence, and I want to provide them with the materials they deserve to get there. These materials will truly allow my students to dive into texts and show their understanding, and how it has developed. These materials will allow them to worry about the text, and not where to put their materials so they dont become lost, or fall behind in the classwork because they spent so much time looking for a highlighter. They will be able to focus on becoming better readers. Graphic Novels to Keep 4th Grade Readers Reading! Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ($398) Help me give my students age appropriate graphic novels so the can keep up their reading stamina! My Students My fourth grade students come to school every day ready to learn and excited to discuss new ideas and tackle new challenges. Students at my school live in one of the most under-served populations in Philadelphia and face hardships that would hold most people back. My students come to class with a smile on their face and an eagerness to expand their minds. Some students deal with trauma that affects their day-to-day school experience and require sensory breaks as well as individualized attention. My face a great deal of stress outside of the classroom and that stress comes in the door with them every morning. My fourth graders love research projects, independent reading, and hands-on activities. My students are as interested in poetry as they are in essay-writing and are committed to their education. My 4th graders are dedicated, hard-working, and aware of the importance of growth and learning. My Project At the beginning of the school year I was given a number of books for my classroom and the rest have been acquired through friends and family. Nine and ten year olds are veracious readers and need books that will keep them interested. My fourth graders read up to 60 minutes a day and are ploughing through our tiny library. Many of my students have grown leaps and bounds in their reading this year and I do not want the lack of resources to deter their learning. Halfway through the school year, students are enjoying independent reading less and less because there are fewer books to choose from. My students need a positive outlet which many of them find in reading therefore I want to supply with them with current graphic novels as well as some classic books to keep the library well balanced. Having access to these books would change my independent reading block and help students find time and space to get lost in a book! Whether you can donate a dollar, donate fifty dollars, or donate a share on social media, you make a difference!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Great Debate the Pros and Cons of Guns in the Classroom

The Great Debate The Pros and Cons of Guns in the Classroom Throughout its history, the United States has had a fascination with guns. Americans have used guns in times of war, for protection, and for hunting. Americans also use guns when they are intent on killing people. When violence happens in school shootings, drive-by shootings, assassination of public officials, or in the workplace and shopping malls, Americans demand something be done. This demand fuels the debate between gun rights and gun control activists. It fuels the debate over the interpretation of the Second Amendment. It fuels the debate on allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons in gun-free zones. This makes us ask the question: Should guns be banned from college†¦show more content†¦Guns such as semiautomatic AK-47s and Uzis are easily available along with high-capacity magazines. It was the availability of such magazines that Seung Hui Cho used to kill so many people so quickly (â€Å"What We Want†). Gun control laws on campuses are being reconsidered by many states after the much publicized shootings at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois Universities. Nadine Mahasneh’s writing in the February 28, 2008 issue of The Exponent states that according to an article published in USA Today, twelve states have been considering bills that would allow people to carry concealed weapons on public university campuses. The Indiana Senate did vote on a bill that would allow people with permits to carry handguns on state property, except in specific places such as airports. The bill did not pass (Mahasneh). Since the fall semester of 2008, Utah’s state law has allowed licensed individuals to carry concealed handguns on the campuses of all nine public colleges in Utah. Concealed carry has been allowed at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado since 2003 and at Blue Ridge Community College in Weyers Cove, Virginia since 1995. None of these schools have seen a single resulting incident of gun violence, a single gun accide nt, or a single gun theft (Concealed In Indiana, one must be eighteen years old to purchase a rifle or shotgun. One does not need a permit or license to do so. TheShow MoreRelated100 Essay Topics1545 Words   |  7 Pagesis a great way to get to know your students on a more personal level. I do not place a value judgment on their ideas or how compelling their argument may be. I am concerned with improvement from one journal collection to the next. Ease of expression and sophistication of vocabulary are taken into account in the grade that is assigned. One strategy, as a focus activity, is to start the class with one of the journal topics on the board or overhead when the students are entering the classroom. AfterRead More The Moral Disagreement on Capital Punishment (Death Penalty)2796 Words   |  12 Pagesdilemma can be found through enough lobbying, legislating, media-blitzing or politicking. 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Because of the rapid changes in librarianship, Web sites can be very important both for classroom activities and as guides for information specialists trying to keep abreast of current trends. xxvii xxviii The Web Site This Web site can be accessed at Obviously, one of the major advantages of a WebRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesVoice 526 xviii CONTENTS S A L Self-Assessment Library How Spiritual Am I? 531 Point/Counterpoint Organizations Should Strive to Create a Positive Organizational Culture 534 Questions for Review 535 Experiential Exercise Rate Your Classroom Culture 535 Ethical Dilemma A Bankrupt Culture 536 Case Incident 1 Mergers Don’t Always Lead to Culture Clashes 536 Case Incident 2 Did Toyota’s Culture Cause Its Problems? 537 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 Selection Practices

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Environmental Impact Assessment Of The Sydneys Darling...

Introduction: With the development of the world, numbers of environmental issues were threatening people’s life, like rising Greenhouse gas emission. Buildings provide a connection between human society and sustainable environment, especially for Skyscraper (Ainger Fenner 2013). Establishing a new Skyscraper in Darling Harbour is a plan for Company AIIHigh. Causing a large difference for both human being and environment. Darling Harbour is where has lager number of daily flow capacity, meeting with Sydney major public compelling attractions, located in Sydney central business district. (Darling Harbour) This report will analyze the influences of Skyscraper in Sydney’s Darling Harbour in terms of substantiality by screening the environmental impact assessment, analysis the imparts from environmental, social and economic system, establish the judgments about demand, challenge and alternatives and finally other practical problems involves in project. Screening Environmental impact assessment (EIA) play an essential role for sustainability establishing. As Anzecc (1991) mentioned that EIA producers would take a responsibility for issues like improving the efficiency of the contribution made by making sustainability and environmentally decision, which means the government responsible for EIA process which have the power to recommend environmental conditions. As points out by Beanlands and Duinker(1983), the method to impact assessment base on test the SignificantShow MoreRelatedIndividual Assessment Cover Sheet / Plagiarism Declaration Form8448 Words   |  34 Pages Individual Assessment Cover Sheet / Plagiarism Declaration Form This form must be completed and included with each assessment you submit for marking to the School. Although this assessment is submitted electronically, you must still complete and include this form with your assessment. Student Number: Unit Code No.: Unit Title: Assessment No.: Lecturer: Submission Date: Declaration: I have read the School’s Policy on Plagiarism and Improper Conduct and all the materialsRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words   |  385 Pagescomplete with absence of needed information, an imbalance between needs and available resources, and conï ¬â€šicts among competing objectives. 4 Students develop a general managerial point of view – where responsibility is sensitive to action in a diverse environmental context. Source: C. C. Lundberg E. Enz, 1993, ‘A framework for student case preparation’, Case Research Journal, 13 (Summer): 134. As Exhibit 1 suggests, the case analysis method can assist active learners in the development of their analytical

Important Components of Word Processing Software Free Essays

There are many useful tools in word processing software that can help one to achieve success in their career such as; font settings, highlighting, line spacing, spelling and grammar checking, and the ability to implement spreadsheets, tables and graphs. Word processors such as Microsoft Word have many typesetting features to help the user accomplish their goals. Features like different font sizes and the ability to change the color that a phrase is displayed in, grant the user an avenue to express different emphasis on certain phrases with greater ease. We will write a custom essay sample on Important Components of Word Processing Software or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also this can help to organize and make the general reading of a paper more easy on the reader. Other tools such as highlighting help with this process as well, giving the user a way to ‘point out’ important portions of the information contained in the document. Line spacing is yet another tool that can help in the process of making a document easier to read. By using a broader line spacing you make it easier for the eyes to keep place and follow along the same line. In addition to the options one has with editing the typeface and aesthetics of a document, there are tools implemented into most word processors that help to correct errors in spelling and grammar. Spell check and grammar check are helpful tools when creating a document. When writing a paper, if the program recognizes any errors in spelling it will place a red zigzag underline underneath the word or phrase that is incorrect. The same is also true of grammar check. It will check for errors in punctuation or grammar and place a green underline under the phrase or word. Control Key and Word – Text and Graphics. In both cases, right clicking usually reveals a list of suggestions as to how to properly correct the problem. Last but not least in a situation where one needs to present data to a superior or coworker, most word processors have tools that allow for the placement of graphs and tables which help the user to present data relevant to the subject of the document. With the technology in place in today’s word processing software, the flow and transfer of information has been made a lot simpler. How to cite Important Components of Word Processing Software, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Saint Essays - Cardinals Created By Pope John Paul II, Pope Francis

Saint Francis Life St. Francis's life began as any other man of his time. He was a wealthy individual who was preoccupied with material comforts. This preoccupation also led him to fear the poor, especially lepers. St. Francis then entered into a conversion that led him to be an alter Christus. He gave up all his material possessions and embraced poverty and welcomed the poor and needy into his life with open arms. he ignored the ridicule he received from both his family and his peers and entered this new way of life and became dedicated to helping people in need. St. Francis's conversion began after he had been imprisoned for a year in a foreign country. He returns home and falls ill and is bedridden for another year. He then sets out for another war, but is called home by the beckoning of God. His conversion is gradual as he begins slowly working with the poor and the lepers. Francis eventually becomes estranged from his family and is brought before the Bishop of Assisi by his father. Here Francis publicly renounces his inheritance, strips his clothes, and begins his journey in search of God's Kingdom. Francis is ridiculed by his friends and his peers, but he endures the humiliation and continues his work with the poor. Now Francis begins to imitate Jesus and begins preaching, this leads to many men following Francis and creation the Franciscan Order. These men went throughout the cities and countryside helping the poor and rebuilding the church both physically and spiritually. For the rest of Francis's life he spread the word of God, and in his death he received the great honor of Sainthood. St. Francis not only touched the lives of people in his own time, but he also touched the next generation with his teachings he has left behind. The mere mention of St. Francis's name brings to mind poverty. This is a man who gave up all his worldly possessions and joined the beggars in the streets. St. Francis's reasoning for doing the was to become closer to God and his kingdom. Francis's relationship to poverty can be defined by these lines, "holy poverty stands high above all the virtues that prepare in us a dwelling place for God..." (Sacrum Commercium). It also states that, "blessed are the poor in spirit," Jesus said, "for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven." As Francis interprets the Bible, God enters your life only when you are poor in spirit, and when this occurs the kingdom of Heaven is made available to you. St. Francis and his followers took these words to heart and lived every day of their lives following these lessons. Becoming closer to God was the sole reason for Francis's vow of poverty. Accompanying this vow he also believed he had the solution to war. St. Francis taught his followers that if they had possessions that they would need arms to defend them. He believed that possessions led to violence, hatred, and war. Individuals self worth is to often measured by how money they possess of what possessions they have. Without possessions mankind would all be on equal footing and there for less problems would exist. Today reality shows us that such a way of living is not possible. In today's world, instead of flaunting our wealth, we can share and try not to measure people to these standards. When one brings these teachings into the twentieth century it is hard to imagine actually following them as St. Francis did. When I think of myself and all the materials that we possess; giving everything up is not an option. We are a selfish human race as a whole, and we thrive on buying the newest technology and latest fashions. Giving our time by volunteering and giving to various charities are two small ways we, even as college students, can make a difference. It may not appear to be as radical as St. Francis's conversion but if everyone contributes in a small way it will make a world of difference.